
'Ichthyosauria – long fish shaped reptiles with a long thin snout lined with sharp teeth, the ichthyosaur is characterised by very large eyes. This Mesozoic reptile evolved into a highly specialised predator with a rapid swimming style and keen eyes.'

This is a place to hold some of my musings - mostly about palaeontology. I’m not one of the many knowledgeable geologists/palaeontologists who post blogs so I expect to drawl on about things that have amused me.

Wednesday, 10 August 2011

New Blog Advert

I've adapted an idea I saw online to make an advert for my blog - I will put it up at the symposium I am attending the week after next  - and will see if I get any more hits.

Here is another picture which amused me.

Monday, 8 August 2011

Awesome fridge advert

Their fridges are this good apparently; 

As seen at http://adsoftheworld.com/media/print/bosch_refrigerator_dinosaur_leg

Or if you prefer something fresher how about a Sabertooth fillet 


From here http://adsoftheworld.com/media/print/bosch_refrigerator_sabertooth_filet?size=_original

I find the leg photo the best especially with the claws! There are various stories of mammoth researchers working in Siberia eating slices of permafrost frozen mammoth - some say it was disgusting or tasteless others that it was as tasty as 'fresher' meat.